gvbernatoris latina academia mmxxiii
Parents; we're kidding. More on that later. (We promise everyone is safe and nothing happened!) Jackie has failed us and slept in late again. Meanwhile Ash was up at 3:45... we don't know how they do it. When we arrived at Estes the doors were locked, and we had to wait about 10 minutes for campus security to unlock them for us and the many other groups waiting. The line: so long, and us so hungry, that most resorted to toast, bagels, cereal and fruits. Though when the line did die down we got some more protein filled foods. Today in Mercatus to continue our preparations for the end of 'year' event. We learned about the Roman citizenship system and discussed what it meant to be 'Roman'. Locutio took place almost entirely and successfully in Latin, we filled in humorous comics and also did basic reading comprehension in groups. Hunter apparently lives in a bird nest, Dr. Whitchurch wants to eat pants (and Διδάσκαλος Cogan's arm) and have fun trying to guess the number of chairs. Finally, in Quid Rides? we analyzed Persona (caricature), the topic for last class, and continued in Superiority Theory by reading about Ad Minores (bullying). Quid fecimus in otio? (what did we do during free time?) Well, the upstairs hall was smoky leading to a bit of confusion, so it was a bit of a surprise fire drill when the alarms went off. We exited Andrews and took a head count of everyone- we were all there, no worries. Due to the air quality it was decided that it would be more beneficial to stay in Haley than outside. There we had a 10 minute otium of power naps, card games and reading, before Repetitio Latina (Latin drills). With Διδάσκαλος Cogan we competed in matching Greek words to English and played Around the World with our vocabulary set. Dr. Whitchurch worked on our listening skills with a lesson from Suburani by telling us all about a girl named Sabrina, who definitely needs to go get a job instead of reading all the time. Lastly Abigail excelled at Latin Around The World during Magistra Blanks' lesson, while other sections in this rotation wrote phrases ahead of next week's Mercatus. During our real otium students returned back to their beloved gym & pool, did SAT prep, got a well earned nap, and played Seven Wonders. (Addie's mom, the nap was for you!) With a productive Varietas and Memoranda checked off, we headed to dinner, with copious amounts of ice cream eaten as per usual. After dinner, we returned for our third Artes, Mosaics (and jewelry)!!! We had a rainbow of polygonal glasses and glazed stones at our disposal, along with variegated beads and paints. Most of us chose to employ small circular boards as our base, though some went for more ambitious and larger rectangles. With designs varying from the abstract to the natural, geometrical to cultural symbols, we assembled and grouted our creations with the precision and beauty of Gaudí originals. The tables were also unintentionally painted and grouted, and certainly a few tesserae are still scattered around, vestiges of our triumph. Province Cup score update: Britannia 74 Africa 63 Italia 63 Achaea 62 Hispania 61 Asia 59 Aegyptus 59 Germania 58 Gallia 44 Iocum diei (joke of the day): Knock knock. Who's there? Marcus Marcus who? That's my name - Marcus. Today's joke submitted by Mykayla GLA Out of Context "She tried to glue my mouth shut earlier, so this is just desserts." - Rex "I was trying to stop you from stabbing her in the eye with a gentle hair massage." - Reece "In this grousehold, we grout at all times of day: in the grorning, the grafternoon, and at gright." - James "That's a decent age for a grandma." - Gabriel "I am become spontaneous, destroyer of schedules." - Noah "Spontaneous sounds like the name of a Roman philosopher." - Gabriel "Would you like to demonstrate how to shake it like a Gaul?" - Reece "I'm fine with congroutulations but not with congrations." - Gabriel "Glenn Youngkin cut this glass himself." - James "Chill in the chat." - Διδάσκαλος Cogan "Oh don't get me wrong, I still eat like a child." - Magister Cavedo "That's how Big Air gets you." - James "How am I supposed to be real in these conditions?" - Addie "I LOVE YOU BEYONCE!" - Jazz "Feeling cute, might order the consuls to be killed today, IDK." - Abigail "They're all gonna be the worst day ever." - Princeps "Gas store convenience station." - Gabriel "mihi placet comedere bracchium Magister Cogan." - Dr. Whitchurch/Barbulus "You'll break my spinal cord!" - Rin Special thanks to all the parents reading the blog! - Still alive and definitely not burnt to a crisp, Jazz & Noah
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NOT REQUIRED Again, these are not required and I would only get one from each category, if any. Latin Lexicons a. Conversational Latin for Oral Proficiency b. Cassell's Concise Latin-English, English-Latin Dictionary c. Collins Latin Concise Dictionary Greek Texts/Lexicons a. Athenaze, Book I b. From Alpha to Omega c. Alpha is for Anthropos d. Pocket Oxford Classical Greek Dictionary Translation Texts a. Iliad Daily Life Books a. Everyday Life in Ancient Rome b. Peoples of the Roman World c. A Day in the Life of Ancient Rome d. Daily Life in the Roman City Vestes Romanae
You will need Roman clothing for several of our activities. You might not always have much time between these events, so you might want to bring more than one outfit. Patterns An Overview I & II Simple Tunica, Stola, and Palla Patterns Legio XX's Civilian Clothing Greek Patterns Simple Tunic and Toga Patterns Peplos Pattern Legio XX's Military Clothing |