Quisquis Amat Valeat
Happy Wednesday! Today was a chill day with Ancient Greek, Mercatus, and Quae Nunc Est Romae in the morning, Ancient Greek practice drills and Varietas in the afternoon, and Latina Loquenda and Artes in the evening.
In Ancient Greek, we reviewed our nominative definite articles and (uncovered? Better phrase) into the accusative definite articles. We also had a fun activity in which students in each class chose words to teach to other class members! We will have an informal quiz on Saturday and Province Cup points will be rewarded. In Mercatus, we talked about Roman colonialism and its impact on other provinces and citizenship statuses in Rome. We discussed the cultural exchanges and their consequential impacts between the Conqueror and the Conquered and the citizenship statuses of Roman men, women, and people of colonized provinces. In Quae Nunc Est Romae, we shifted locations from Greece to Rome and discussed paintings displayed in the Forum Romanum. We talked about three styles of Roman paintings (masonry, architectural, and meta-painting) and notable Greek painters whose works were displayed in the Forum. For most of our afternoon, we had extra Greek practice where we worked on conversations and grammar review, and time for working on our Varietas projects. In the evening, we had Latina Loquenda, today on animals and colors. We also had our third session of Artes, this time on making mosaics. We were allowed to make our own mosaics on whatever we wanted, whether they were cultural symbols of our provinces that we could sell during Mercatus or anything we wanted to make. There were many mesmerizing mosaics that students created! GLA Out of Context: “The accusative, not to be confused with the confu-sative case, in which I spent most of my life…” “My sneaky rib dreams!” “Milk is a private affair.” “Hamworms! Oodles and oodles of hamworms!” Arleigh’s Fanta Furies: Dies Decimus: 5 Dies Undecimus: ZERO! His 1000+ Fantas per diem streak is GONE! Total: 47 Valete, Ciara and Philip (Your True Aediles)
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