Quisquis Amat Valeat
Salvete omnes! Today was a nice relaxing day after an explosion of energy yesterday during our Festa and Ludi. In the morning we had our usual classes - Quid Rides?, Voces Feminarum, and Stylus Amicitiae. In the afternoon we had Varietas and a wonderful guest lecture by Dr. Molly Swetnam-Burland, a Classical Studies Professor at William and Mary. Finally, in the evening, we had Latina Loquenda and our last block of Artes.
In Quid Rides?, we acted out our translated Roman play excerpts from the Turpitudo category and moved on to our next category, Persona, which is humor oriented mainly on people’s appearances and abilities. In Voces Feminarum, we finished Sulpicia’s poems and learned about women’s history in antiquity, specifically Cleopatra and her roles. In Stylus Amicitiae, we discussed the Cursus Publicus, or the “public postal system” of Rome and played around with orbis.stanford.edu to see how long letters traveled for from one location to another. In the afternoon we had time to work on our Varietas projects, and each group will present their projects as a checkpoint on Saturday. In addition, we had a fantastic guest lecture from Dr. Molly Swetnam-Burland on enslaved people’s significance in managing and running Imperial households, mostly during the Julio-Claudian dynasty. Thank you so much to Dr. Swetnam-Burland for your time and the stellar guest lecture! Finally, in the evening, we had Latina Loquenda and our last session of Artes, where we either finished our mosaics from last time or created table decorations for our provinces to use during Mercatus. All of our art projects were finalized today and we cannot wait to set up everything for the grand event! As Fridays always are, it was a relaxing day but an intellectually stimulating (as always) one nonetheless! We are excited for our weekend classes and our second Sunday where we will have time to wind down like last week. GLA Out of Context: “Men used to go to war. Now they go to GLA.” “Cicero est pulcherrimus.” “Estes triclinium.” “Habeo Benji.” Arleigh’s Fanta Furies: We all lost count, but we all know Arleigh drinks multiple Fantas a day… all we know is the total. Total: 54 Valete, Ciara and Philip (Your True Aediles)
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