Quisquis Amat Valeat
Salvete omnes and happy First Day of July! We officially enter Week Two on the month of Julius. Today our classes were Ancient Greek, Mercatus, and Quae Nunc Est Romae. In addition to our morning classes, we had a guest speaker and our second block of Artes.
First stop: Ancient Greek! We took time to review verb endings and practice declining verbs before expanding with new vocabulary on emotions. We then started reading the first parts of Agamemnon by the tragedian Aeschylus. We are all amazed at how much Greek we can already translate with the grammar we already know! Next stop: Everything Roman society, Mercatus: today we learned about the Good Emperors who reigned during the Nerva-Antonine dynasty. We discussed their impacts on Roman society as emperors and their lives as they balanced this naturally troublesome job. Final stop of the morning: Quae Nunc Est Romae. Cavedo showed us numerous photos of 7th c. BCE Greek vases for us to analyze and examine the depiction of people in these vase paintings. In the afternoon, we had a special lecture by guest speaker Dr. Thoburn, a Professor of Chemistry here at R-MC. His lecture was on the intersection of two seemingly unrelated subjects, art history and chemistry. His lecture focused on the chemistry composition and creation of vital tools, such as charcoal, pigments, and dyes. Thank you so much, Dr. Thoburn, for the guest lecture! We immensely appreciate your time since many students at GLA are also interested in STEM subjects. We finished off the evening with three activities, the first of which was Varietas. We continued to work on our projects that will be presented in Week 3. During our second activity, Latina Loquenda, we were given new vocabulary to practice as we will apply today’s words to tomorrow’s almost day-long activity, Bellum Mercium! Finally, we ended the day with our last major activity, our second block of Artes. Just like our first block, we had the chance to make clay or UV resin molds. We also had the chance to paint our hardened molds from the first block. Time is flying zuppa fast and zuppa slow. We cannot wait to see what joy Week Two will bring us! GLA Out of Context: “I’ll never be a climate scientist in Latin America!” “Oh, Agamem-nog, come get yer egg nog, straight from God!” Arleigh’s Fanta Furies: Dies Octavus: Arleigh lost count… Dies Nonus: Arleigh also lost count… Total: 42 (During Epistulae Arleigh got sent MORE, but we all know it’s not going to last more than three days.) Iocus Diei: None for today :( -Philip Valete, Ciara and Philip (Your True Aediles)
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